To get an idea of what your monthly costs will be, you can simulate your usage in the calculator below. Prices shown here are only indicative, as they will depend on your actual (daily) usage. Pick one of the example scenarios and alter as needed.
Receive and manage all your customer demands. From orders, to complaints over damages along with any claims and (partial) refunds.
Manage all your assets with a digital twin. Keep track of their location, state, and e.g. stock counts.
Keep track of your suppliers, customers and other 3rd party relations. Group all their data and interactions with them in one place.
Plan your trucks onto orders and loads, register and approve employees' absences, schedule equipment maintenance. Plan your teams onto projects, register and approve employees' absences, schedule equipment maintenance.
Automatically generate documents based on any of your data. Distribute them to the relevant receivers.
Extract data from any document that comes your way. Convert PDF invoices to UBL, or update inventory status based on received BOMs.
Has a vehicle suddenly stopped on the highway for no reason? Did you get an invoice from a supplier with deviating payment information? Get notified about anomalies instantly or even ahead of time.
Get realtime insight into the whereabouts of all your vehicles. Set up a digital communications channel with the driver and other passengers.
Whether you're tracking your own equipment, spare parts and raw materials or shipments for your customers, do it in a smart way.
Manage your employees, their holidays, absences and even their salary payment. Create vacancies and follow up on the candidates.
Expose a portal to your customers and suppliers in your own branding, hosted and managed by us.
Manage your public website through our Content Management System. Bring your own domain name, hosting is handled by us.
At Ixio Global, pricing is really simple: you pay for the data you use.
This means you don't pay for e.g. the number of users you need to be able to log in, maintenance and support (because you get that for free), start-up costs or customizations. As a result, your monthly bill will go down if you have a period of fewer sales.
Since your usage is directly linked to your operations, it means that your company needs to grow in size by at least a factor of 2 before your ixio global bill will double.
Cost grow linearly with data usage. Obviously, you want to keep all your operational data for the next decade, or even longer. Your amount of stale or inactive data will grow larger and larger over time. To cope with this, inactive data is not priced linearly. Keeping old data will increase your monthly bill, but only by a tiny bit to prevent abuse. The amount is so small that the difference over 10 years is negligible.
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If you are an existing customer, please reach out to your account manager with any questions you have for the quickest response times.
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